About Cris

I was hooked on fitness when I saw Ronnie Coleman on the cover of FLEX magazine. That moment sparked a passion to push my body and mind to the limits, fulfilling a promise I made to my younger self.

Q&A for me

What sparked your interest in fitness?

Saw Ronnie Coleman on the cover of a FLEX magazine and wanted to get huge.

Who or what inspires you the most?

Carrying on the legacy of John Meadows is a huge driving force for me in business. With my own bodybuilding, it is the promise I made to my 19 year old self to see how far I can take my body and mind.

What’s your ultimate cheat meal?

#1 at Chick-fil-a Large Size, 3 Count Chicken Strips, Large Fruit cup, 3 chocolate chip cookies with a Diet Dr. Pepper.

What’s your proudest accomplishment?

To be named the Lead Coach at MountainDogDiet.com

What motivates you to keep going?

The true passion I have to see myself and my clients achieve things they didn't believe were possible.

In what ways has Granite Nutrition impacted your life?

Granite Nutrition has provided my body with the nutrients to push my performance in the gym as well as maintain my health in this crazy sport of bodybuilding. My absolute go to supp that I would never train without is Recovery...hands down #1 Top G.
